Answered By: Lisa Ban
Last Updated: May 24, 2024     Views: 1577

SafeAssign compares submitted assignments against a set of sources to identify areas of overlap between the submitted assignment and existing works and identifies text matches which should be reviewed to ensure that they are appropriately cited and acknowledged. See the SafeAssign Guide for more information.

If you have trouble submitting an assignment through Learnline, contact Learnline Support on 1800 984 057 or through the CDU Learnline Support Center

To submit an assignment using SafeAssign, follow these steps: 

  • Login to your Learnline unit
  • Go to the menu on the left side. The name of the link to SafeAssign varies from unit to unit
    • eg. Assessment Information, Assignment Information & Submission, Assessment Submission
  • Click on the appropriate link
  • There may be two different submission points:
    • Draft Submission Point: This allows you to submit one draft, which will be checked through Safe Assign for issues of plagiarism. Once a draft has been submitted, you can get a report through this Draft Submission Point, which will inform you about similarities to original texts, other student assignments, etc. Providing a draft submission point in a unit is at the discretion of the unit coordinator. Please note that when a lot of assignments are due, the generation of this report can take several hours.
    • Assessment Submission Point: This is your assessment point for the final submission. You can only submit an assignment once through the Assessment Submission Point
  • If there are any issues with your assignment submission (for example, you submitted the wrong assignment), please contact your lecturer.

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